
Scrivener 3 right angle shapes in ruler
Scrivener 3 right angle shapes in ruler

scrivener 3 right angle shapes in ruler

BACK’US BOY – kitchen servant (from “back of the house”).BACKMANN / BACKSTER / BAXTER / BECK / BECKER – baker.BACKMAKER – made “backs”, vats, tubs, a Cooper.AXEL TREE MAKER / AXEL TREE TURNER – made axels for coaches and wagons.AVOWRY – term for the lord of the manor.AVENATOR ( PLANTIFENE) – hay and forage merchant.AUGER MAKER – made the carpenters augers (used for boring holes in wood).ASSAY MASTER – determined the amount of gold or silver to go in coins.ASSAYER – determined the proportions of metal in ore.ARTIFICER – highly respected skilled or artistic worker or craftsman or one that makes or contrives.ARMOURER – made suits of armour or plates of armour for buildings or ships etc.ARMIGER – squire who carried the armour of a knight.ARKWRIGHT – skilled craftsman who produced “arks” (wooden chests or coffers).ARCHIL MAKER – made a violet dye from lichens, used in the textile industry.APRONEER – term used in London for a shopkeeper.APPRENTICE – was bound to a skilled worker for a specified time to learn a trade.APPARITOR – official who summoned witnesses in the ecclesiastical courts.APOTHECARY – prepared and sold medicines or drugs pharmacist.ANVIL SMITH – made anvils and hammers for blacksmiths.ANTIGROPELOS MAKER – made waterproof leggings.ANNATTO MAKER – worked in the manufacture of dyes for paint or printing.ANKLE BEATER – young person who helped to drive the cattle to market.flat iron bars bent at right angles lengthways ANGLE IRON SMITH – made angle iron ie.ANILEPMAN – smallholder (tenant of the manor).ANCHORITE – male hermit or religious recluse.ANCHORESS – female hermit or religious recluse.AMBLER – officer of the Royal Stable who broke in horses.AMBER & JET CUTTER – cut and polished amber for jewelry.ALNAGER – official who examined the quality of woolen goods and stamped them with the town seal of approval.ALMONER – gave out alms or charity to the poor on behalf of the parish.ALMANAC MAN – official appointed by the Court of Sewers who warned the inhabitants of the Trent River area of higher than normal tides.ALEWIFE – woman who keeps an alehouse or tavern.ALE TUNNER – employed by the brewery to fill ale casks (tuns} with ale.

scrivener 3 right angle shapes in ruler

Appointed by the Manor and forerunner of the Inspector for Weights & Measures ALE TASTER – tested ale and beer for quality first recored in 1377 in London.ALE- CONNER / ALE FOUNDER – official who tested quality and measure of ale served in public houses.ALDERMAN – senior councillor one position down from Mayor in the local council.ALCHEMIST – medieval chemist who claimed to be able to turn base metals into gold.AGISTER – official of the Royal Forests or in the New Forest it is the title for the one in charge of the ponies.AFFEEROR – official in the manorial courts who assessed the monetary penalty and also collected taxes and dues and were also called Assessor.AERONAUT – balloonist or a trapeze artist in the circus or music halls.ADVOWEE – normally a nobleman, who had the right to present a clergyman to a benefice.ADVOCATE DEPUTE – Scottish law officer who could act a public prosecutor.ADVERTISEMENT CONVEYANCER – sandwich board man.ADMINISTRATOR – directed the affairs of another.ACTUARY – kept public accounts of business.ACKERMAN / ACREMAN – ploughman, an oxherder.ACCOUTREMENT MAKER / ACCOUTRE – supplier of military accessories.ACCOUCHEUR / ACCOUCHEUS – assisted women in childbirth.ACATER – supplied food provisions, e.g.

Scrivener 3 right angle shapes in ruler